Targets Package Tutorial

managing your coding workflow more efficiently

Jongoh Kim


February 7, 2023


This training aims to teach you on how to use the targets package.

How I coded before I learned about ‘targets’

  • one code file
  • one change -> man(code) hunt
  • rerun the whole file multiple times

What is so special about the targets package?

According to the {targets} R package user manual website

  • can maintain a reproducible workflow without much repetition
  • skips tasks that are already up to date
  • runs only the necessary computation
  • supports implicit parallel computing
  • shows tangible evidence that the results match the underlying code and data


This training is for people who have intermediate knowledge of R programming!

You should have at least the following experiences:

you have

  • created your own custom function
  • called(sourced) a different code file
  • created an R project



Let’s say I change the isco_code.


Let’s say I change the isco_code.


targets also allows users to automatically know how long each step and the whole process take

Ideal workflow

  1. Visualize your whole project workflow in your head
  2. Divide the workflow into separate steps
  3. Create a custom function that does the work for each step
  4. Using these functions, implement the targets package

Basic workflow

  1. Without targets package, finish coding
  2. Divide your workflow into separate steps
  3. Create a custom function that does the work for each step
  4. Using these functions, implement the targets package

‘targets’ is not a panacea

‘targets’ is not a package you should use every time!

Actually it is quite cumbersome to implement the package

Thus, implement only if:

  • you probably have to repeat your whole code lines multiple times
  • the overall structure of your coding would be complex

If it is a one-time job it is better not to use targets package!


Let’s install the targets package

#installing the targets package

Creating an R project!

I strongly advise you to create an R project for your each work/research project!

Let’s create a “gapminder” project at your desktop.

Follow the section 6 of this webpage.

Creating the one and only

Using the targets package, you should create the main R script by typing the following function!

Let’s type the code lines in the R console which is the bottom left pane.

#calling the targets package
#creating the _targets.R script file

Now you should have _targets.R file in your project folder.

The name & position matters!

  • Do not change the name of this _targets.R file

  • the targets package will search and run the _targets.R file(default)

  • the _targets.R file should be directly placed at the project folder

Of course it is possible to change the location and the name of _targets.R file.

For this, check out the Appendix part.

_targets.R file

Let’s open the _targets.R file

By default, it would explain the basic structure of the _targets.R file.

basic structure of the _targets.R

Let’s check the first seven lines of code.

# This is an example _targets.R file. Every
# {targets} pipeline needs one.
# Use tar_script() to create _targets.R and tar_edit()
# to open it again for editing.
# Then, run tar_make() to run the pipeline
# and tar_read(summary) to view the results.

basic structure of the _targets.R

Next, you can directly define functions here

# Define custom functions and other global objects.
# This is where you write source(\"R/functions.R\")
# if you keep your functions in external scripts.
summ <- function(dataset) {
  summarize(dataset, mean_x = mean(x))

basic structure of the _targets.R


save multiple custom functions at a certain folder and call them.

Let’s assume we have created functions.R script file that has your custom functions and stored it at “…\gapminder\scripts\functions” folder.

#calling the functions.R script file

basic structure of the _targets.R

basic structure of the _targets.R

calling packages that you would need in the whole process

# Set target-specific options such as packages.
tar_option_set(packages = c("dplyr", "stringr", "stringi", 
                            "ggplot2", "data.table", "gapminder"))

basic structure of the _targets.R

Defining your whole workflow

# End this file with a list of target objects.
  #step 1 
  tar_target(data, #defining the step name
             #defining what the step will do
             data.frame(x =, y =
             #creating a data frame
  #step 2
  tar_target(summary, #defining the step name
             #calculating the average of x & y

visualizing the workflow!

There is a way to visualize the whole workflow

#you need to additionally install visNetwork package
#to run this function!

visualizing the workflow!

visualizing the workflow!

You can interact with the graph!

If you click a shape, it shows its related dependencies.

Simple example

objective of this project

Using a data set from the gapminder package,

let’s generate a table that contains

  • average life expectancy per continent and year
  • average GDP per capita per continent and year

checking the data

Let’s check how the data is organized

data <- gapminder
"# A tibble: 6 × 6
  country     continent  year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
  <fct>       <fct>     <int>   <dbl>    <int>     <dbl>
1 Afghanistan Asia       1952    28.8  8425333      779.
2 Afghanistan Asia       1957    30.3  9240934      821.
3 Afghanistan Asia       1962    32.0 10267083      853.
4 Afghanistan Asia       1967    34.0 11537966      836.
5 Afghanistan Asia       1972    36.1 13079460      740.
6 Afghanistan Asia       1977    38.4 14880372      786."

creating the table

Let’s create the summary table

sum.df <- data %>%
  group_by(continent, year) %>%
  summarise(avg_lifeExp = mean(lifeExp),
            avg_gdpPercap = mean(gdpPercap)) %>%
"  continent  year avg_lifeExp avg_gdpPercap
  <fct>     <int>       <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Africa     1952        39.1         1253.
2 Africa     1957        41.3         1385.
3 Africa     1962        43.3         1598.
4 Africa     1967        45.3         2050.
5 Africa     1972        47.5         2340.
6 Africa     1977        49.6         2586."

integrating the workflow into the targets package!

Let’s create a function that returns the sum.df

and save the function in an R script file “functions.R”

under the directory “…gapminder\scripts” folder

get_sum_table <- function(data){
  #getting average life expectancy &  average gdpPercap per continent & year
  sum.df <-  data %>%
    group_by(continent, year) %>%
    summarise(avg_lifeExp = mean(lifeExp),
              avg_gdpPercap = mean(gdpPercap)) %>%

creating _targets.R

Let’s create the _targets.R file by typing tar_script() in the R console


setting _targets.R file

First, let’s set which R script file and

which packages we will use our project

#calling in the 
#if you need to call different R scripts

# Set packages.
##calling in dplyr, ggplot2, gapminder packages
tar_option_set(packages = c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "gapminder"))

setting _targets.R file

Let’s specify the steps in our project

#calling in the 
#if you need to call different R scripts

# Set packages.
##calling in dplyr, ggplot2, gapminder packages
tar_option_set(packages = c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "gapminder"))

# End this file with a list of target objects.
  #reading in the gapminder data
  #getting average life expectancy &
  #average GDP per capita per continent & year

Checking the workflow

Now let’s check the workflow of our project

#visualize the whole workflow

If the _targets.R file has been wrongly set,

it would generate an error message!

Checking the workflow

Let’s run this!

If no errors were produced, let’s run the script.

#Running the whole script

successful execution

how can I access the output?

  • targets automatically stores the output of each step!

how can I access the output?

how can I access the output?

Accessing the output files

You can read the files in the R studio by

#reading the output of the step "sum_stat"
##only works if you set the working directory as
##the project folder
sum.df <- tar_read(sum_stat)


#by default files are stored in RDS format
sum.df <- readRDS("_targets/objects/sum_stat")

Also, you can change the data format of the outputs(check the appendix part)

complex Example

Without targets

Now let’s start a more advanced example.

Let’s say, I would like to do an econometric analysis for each continent.

The usual way to do this is like below:

#pseudo code
#clean data
cleaned.df <- clean_data(continent)
for(continent in continents){
  #econometric analysis
  result <- regress(cleaned.df)
  result_table <- gen_table(result)
  graphs <- gen_plot(result)

With targets

With targets you can do this automatically!

Example setting

Let’s try to graph the temporal change of life expectancy of countries in each continent.


In code


# # configuring the script it should run(run it one time and it will create an targets.yaml file in the project folder)
# tar_config_set(script = "scripts/2._targets_pattern.R")

# Set packages.
tar_option_set(packages = c("qs", "dplyr", "stringr", "stringi", "ggplot2", "data.table", "gapminder"),
               format = "qs")

In code


# # configuring the script it should run(run it one time and it will create an targets.yaml file in the project folder)
# tar_config_set(script = "scripts/2._targets_pattern.R")

# Set packages.
tar_option_set(packages = c("qs", "dplyr", "stringr", "stringi", "ggplot2", "data.table", "gapminder"),
               format = "qs")

# End this file with a list of target objects.
  #reading in the gapminder data
  #getting the continents in the gapminder data

In code

Do the same process for each continent!


# # configuring the script it should run(run it one time and it will create an targets.yaml file in the project folder)
# tar_config_set(script = "scripts/2._targets_pattern.R")

# Set packages.
tar_option_set(packages = c("qs", "dplyr", "stringr", "stringi", "ggplot2", "data.table", "gapminder"),
               format = "qs")

# End this file with a list of target objects.
  #reading in the gapminder data
  #getting the continents in the gapminder data
  #slicing the gapminder data by continents
             data[continent %in% continents],
             pattern = map(continents)),
  #generating a graph of showing temporal changes of life expectancy of each country in each continent!
             pattern = map(continents_data))

Resulted Graphs

Resulted Graphs

Resulted Graphs

Resulted Graphs

Resulted Graphs


Special thanks to Etienne Bacher for his help and slide codes!

Source code for slides:

Good resources

The {targets} R package user manual from Will Landau(The creator of ‘targets’ package)

Will Landau’s Presentation at UL HPC 2021 Winter School

Will Landau’s Full Tutorial Video


changing the name/location of _targets.R

targets package automatically runs _targets.R file located at the project directory

to change this,

#telling targets to run _targets_pattern.R 
#located at ".../scripts"
tar_config_set(script = "scripts/2._targets_pattern.R")

changing the name/location of _targets.R


Create a _targets.yaml file at your project folder! Open a notepad, write the code lines below, and store it with the name: _targets.yaml.

  script: scripts/1._targets.R

changing the data format for output files

changing to parquet format

#for the whole pipeline!
tar_option_set(format = "parquet") # you need to download the arrow package!
"Note that you can only have a dataframe(table) as an output for parquet!"
#for general purpose use qs instead
tar_option_set(format = "qs") # you need to download the qs package!

#for each step
           print("a step"),
           format = "qs")